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Release 24.5

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The payment pages are created by the merchant and integated in his mobile application. This allows great freedom of customization. The sensitive data are encrypted before their transmission to Mercanet and don’t transit by the merchant server. The PCI-DSS requirements are SAQ level A-EP.


  • orderInitialize

    Allows to initialize a payment with “In-App.”

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_MB_3.0

  • paymentMeanInfoInitialize

    Allows to initialize a kinematic to consult the data related to a customer card. This kinematic is useful to perform the brand selection.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_MB_3.0

  • paymentTokenInitialize

    Initialize a payment token generation kinematic with “In-App”.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_MB_2.55

  • walletInitialize

    This function allows to launch several kind of wallet management kinematic with “ (consulting the content of a wallet, adding or deleting a card from a wallet).”

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_MB_3.0