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Release 24.5

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Optional URL for Bancontact mobile application that can be used as Merchant Callback URL for notifications. It is triggered by the Payer Mobile Payment Application once the Payer had reviewed the transaction results in its Mobile Payment Application.

Indicates that a url name is accepted in the URL standard format (http://siteName.com or https://siteName.com)

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Methods containing the data and the availability per connector
Methods / Reports inApp office paypage office batch walletpage
cardCheckEnrollment Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
cardOrder Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
paymentProviderGetContext Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
paymentProviderInitialize Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
walletOrder Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable