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Release 24.5

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Mandate signature certification type.

ANS20(restricted values)
Any character is accepted
restricted values
Indicates a restricted list of accepted values.

Contained in


Methods containing the data and the availability per connector
Methods / Reports inApp office paypage office batch walletpage
duplicate Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
paymentWebInit Unavailable Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable
Automatic and Manual response Paypage et InApp Unavailable Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable
refund Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
walletManagementInit Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable view


Electronic signature not certified. If the mandate is an E_BASIC one, the merchant didn’t proof that he has a sufficient knowledge of his client allowing him to be sure that the client is the one that he claims to be when he creates his mandate. The client can oppose the validity of the mandate.