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Release 24.5

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Expiry date of an instrument associated with a Primary Account Number.For example, for a card, it contains the expiry date for an authorisation request operation. If the payment method does not have a validity date, this field should be empty.

Indicate that numeric value [0-9]\ is accepted
Indicates the year
Indicates the month

Contained in


Methods containing the data and the availability per connector
Methods / Reports inApp office paypage office batch walletpage
duplicate Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
getPaymentMeanData Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
getTransactionData Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
getWalletData Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
Automatic and Manual response Paypage et InApp Unavailable Unavailable view Unavailable Unavailable
Automatic and manual response Walletpage Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable view
duplicate (batch) Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable view Unavailable