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Release 24.5

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The payment pages are hosted by the merchant. It allows a great freedom of customization. This connector also allows to perform cash management operations in machine to machine mode.


  • addCard

    This function allows to create a wallet account with a card. The latter is created at the same time as adding the card, if it does not exist.

    Sensitive information (card number) can be handled via the panType set to encryption via the CSE mode.

    If the card is already recorded in the wallet, then a 94 response code is returned.

    If the creation succeeds, response code 00 is returned as well as a lot of information about the account and the associated card:

    • wallet identifier
    • creation date
    • external identifier of the means of payment created for the wallet
    • card number, partially hidden (only the first 4 and 2 last digits are clear).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • addDirectDebit

    This function allows to add a mandate to a wallet. If the mandat is already recorded in the wallet, then a 94 response code is returned.

    If the creation succeeds, response code 00 is returned as well as a lot of information about the account and the associated mandate

    • creation date
    • external identifier of the means of payment created for the wallet
    • iban, partially hidden (only the first 4 and 2 last digits are clear).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • addToFraudList

    The operation allows the management of the list types by insertion of PAN, TOKEN, Tid /Date, Tref.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • cancel

    This function makes it possible to edit the amount of a transaction or to cancel a transaction to be sent to a bank.

    You cannot cancel a cancelled operation and you cannot cancel an amount higher than the original one.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: CR_WS_2.55

  • cardCheckEnrollment

    Requests for payment initialization via card with 3-D Secure process.

    In this document, unless otherwise stated, any reference to 3-D Secure includes Visa (Verified by Visa), MasterCard (SecureCode) and American Express (SafeKey).

    This request initializes a transaction on “Mercanet platform and checks the card enrollment. If the card is enrolled to 3-D Secure program, you will receive in response a secure URL (redirectionUrl) to which the customer should be redirected to continue the authentication. This redirection must be made via a POST form, see the part “POST form to the ACS”. On the other hand, you can proceed with the payment directly by calling cardValidateAuthenticationAndOrder method.”

    Sensitive information (card number, card security code) can be handled in three ways, via the panType field:

    • encryption via the CSE mode
    • card number tokenisation
    • card number in plain text (significant PCI constraint)

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • cardOrder

    Requests for payment orders via card include the bellow elements.

    Sensitive information (card number, card security code) can be handled in three ways, via the panType field:

    • encryption via the CSE mode (see the relevant documentation)
    • card number tokenisation
    • card number in plain text (significant PCI constraint)

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • cardValidateAuthentication

    Requests for 3-D Secure validation of authentication:

    In this document, unless otherwise stated, any reference to 3-D Secure includes Visa (Verified by Visa), MasterCard (SecureCode) and American Express (SafeKey).

    This request is mandatory to check the complete 3-D Secure authentication (with PARes message). It must be called after you received the POST form from the ACS (Access Control Server) (See “Post form to the ACS”).

    This method is mainly used for control purposes of the card holder before saving the card in a wallet.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • cardValidateAuthenticationAndOrder

    Requests for payment finalization and order with a 3-D Secure process.

    In this document, unless otherwise stated, any reference to 3-D Secure includes Visa (Verified by Visa), MasterCard (SecureCode) and American Express (SafeKey).

    This request is mandatory to perform the payment order with a 3-D Secure context (PARes message). It must be called after you received the POST form from the ACS (Access Control Server) (See Post form to the ACS).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • creditHolder

    This function allows the merchant who has the banking data of their clients to credit their account without any prior transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: CR_WS_2.55

  • creditTransferFinalizeAndOrder

    This service is currently available for the payment means iDEAL and Sofortüberweisung.

    This request is mandatory to know the result of the bank transfer. It must be called after you received the POST form from the bank transfer service through the merchantReturnUrl (see creditTransferInitialize request).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • creditTransferInitialize

    This service is currently available for the payment means iDEAL and Sofortüberweisung.

    This request initializes a session for a bank transfer. If the initialization step is successful, you will receive in response a secure URL (redirectionUrl) to which the customer should be redirected to continue the bank transfer. This redirection must be made via a POST form, see the part “POST form to external suppliers”.

    In the request, you shall also indicate the URL (merchantReturnUrl) to which the customer will be redirected to at the end of the external bank transfer. You must then call the creditTransferrFinalizeAndOrder service to finalize the transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • creditTransferInquire

    Requests to retrieve the list of issuer’s bank available. This service is currently available for the payment means iDEAL.

    This request provides a list of issuer’s banks. If the request is successful, you will receive in response a list of bank with their name and code. This information must be use for the initialization step (CreditTransferInitialize).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • deletePaymentMean

    This function allows a merchant to permanently delete one of the payment means of his wallet.

    If the account or the card does not exist, a 01 response code is returned. If the deletion works, 00 response code is returned and the date of removal.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • directDebitOrder

    This function allows you, if you have the bank information of a customer, to make payments by direct debit (e.g. SDD).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • duplicate

    This function makes it possible to create a new transaction using the bank details of an existing transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: CR_WS_2.55

  • finalizeMandate

    This operation allows the finalization of the mandate signing process and know the result. It must be called after you received the POST form through the merchantReturnUrl (see request of initializeMandate).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: MR_WS_2.55

  • getCardData

    This function allows consulting of the card information associated with a card number or a card IIN.

    If the card number or the card IIN does not exist, a 05 response code is returned. If the request works, 00 response code is returned as well as information related to the card.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: PMR_WS_2.55

  • getFraudData

    This function makes it possible to recover information concerning fraud control regarding a specific transaction previously set up using “Mercanet which is stored in the Mercanet database.”

    Recommended interfaceVersion: DR_WS_2.55

  • getMandateData

    This operation provides information about an existing mandate. The response contains mandate-specific information such as status, IBAN, etc … but also the list of “direct debit SEPA” transactions associated with the mandates (if any).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: MR_WS_2.55

  • getPaymentMeanData

    This function allows to consult a wallet and one of these payment means information.

    If the account or payment mean does not exist, a 01 response code is returned. If the request works, 00 response code is returned as well as information related to the payment mean.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • getPdfMandate

    This operation allows to recover an exising mandate in PDF. The PDF is serialized in Base64. The string must be decoded and converted to a PDF file to allow reading or downloading.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: MR_WS_2.55

  • getTransactionData

    This function makes it possible to recover information regarding a specific transaction previously set up using Mercanet which is stored in the Mercanet database.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: DR_WS_2.55

  • getVelocityData

    This function makes it possible to check the activity of a given data field over a given period.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: FR_WS_2.55

  • getWalletData

    This function allows to consult a wallet and payment means associated to it.

    If the account does not exist, a 01 response code is returned. If the request works, 00 response code is returned as well as information related to the payment means.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • hostedFieldsInitialize

    Initialize a Hosted Fields session.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: AUT_WS_2.55

  • initializeMandate

    This operation initializes a mandate signing process. If the initialization step is successful, you will receive in response a secure URL (redirectionUrl) to which the customer should be redirected to continue the signing process. This redirection must be made via a POST form, see the part “POST form to external suppliers”.

    In the request, you shall also indicate the URL (merchantReturnUrl) to which the customer will be redirected to at the end of the process for mandate signature. You must then call the finalizeMandate service to obtain the result of the signing process.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: MR_WS_2.55

  • paymentDataProviderCheck

    This function allows Mercanet to decrypt data providing by an OEM (e.g. GooglePay) and proceed to the payment.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • paymentProviderFinalize

    Requests for payment finalization for external wallets.

    This request is mandatory to know the result of the payment order with an external wallet. It must be called after you received the POST form from the external wallet through the merchantReturnUrl (see paymentProviderInitialize request).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • paymentProviderGetContext

    This request is optional and allow you to know the identity of the payer and his shipping address in order to display them before the confirmation of transaction of a PayPal transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • paymentProviderInitialize

    Requests for payment initialization for external wallets.

    This request initializes a session for an external wallet order. For a non-mobile transaction, if the initialization step is successful, you will receive in response a secure URL (redirectionUrl) to which the customer should be redirected to continue the payment order. This redirection must be made via a POST form, see the part “POST form to external suppliers”. In the request, you shall also indicate the URL (merchantReturnUrl) to which the customer will be redirected to at the end of the external wallet payment. You must then call the paymentProviderFinalize service to finalize the transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • paymentTokenGenerate

    Generate a payment token fro a hosted fields payment.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: TR_WS_2.55

  • refund

    This function makes it possible to re-credit the buyer’s account.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: CR_WS_2.55

  • removeFromFraudList

    The operation allows to remove from all fraud lists PAN, TOKEN, Tid /Date, Tref.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: FR_WS_2.55

  • searchMandate

    This operation allows to search the exising mandates of a client. The mandates are related to a given client only if the customerId field was provided in the initializeMandate request parameters.

    interfaceVersion recommandée : MR_WS_2.55

  • signOff

    This function allows to remove a wallet as well as its related payment means. If the account does not exist, a 01 response code is returned. If the deletion works, 00 response code is returned and the date of removal.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • updatePaymentMean

    This function allows you to update one of the payment means contained in the client’s wallet. If the account or the payment mean do not exist, a 01 response code is returned. If the update works, 00 response code is returned and the date of update.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: WR_WS_2.55

  • validate

    This function makes it possible to trigger the settlement of a transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: CR_WS_2.55

  • walletCheckEnrollment

    Requests for payment initialization via wallet with 3-D Secure process.

    This request initializes a transaction on Mercanet platform and checks the card enrollment retrieved from the wallet. If the enrollment step is successful, you will receive in response a secure URL (redirectionUrl) to which the customer should be redirected to continue the authentication. This redirection must be made via a POST form, see the part “POST form to the ACS”. On the other hand, you can proceed with the payment directly by calling cardValidateAuthenticationAndOrder method.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • walletCreditHolder

    This function allows the merchant who has the wallet data of their clients to credit their account without any prior transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: CR_WS_2.55

  • walletIssuerWalletFinalize

    Requests for wallet payment finalization for external wallets.

    This request is mandatory to know the result of the wallet payment order with an external wallet. It must be called after you received the POST form from the external wallet through the merchantReturnUrl (see walletIssuerWalletInitialize request).

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • walletIssuerWalletInitialize

    Requests to initialize a one-click payment with an issuer wallets: This request is mandatory to obtain the redirection data and urls used to redirect to buyer into the OneClick authentication process pages for issuer wallets stored in a Mercanet wallet. If the initialization step is successful, you will receive in response a secure URL (redirectionUrl) to which the customer should be redirected to continue the one-click payment. This redirection must be made via a POST form, see the part “POST form to external suppliers”. You shall also indicate in the request the URL (merchantReturnUrl) to which the customer will be redirected to at the end of the one-click payment with an external wallet. You must then call the walletIssuerWalletFinalize service to finalize the transaction.

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55

  • walletOrder

    This function allows to create a payment with a card enrolled in “Mercanet wallet.”

    Recommended interfaceVersion: IR_WS_2.55